
Ride the Savage Land


Those Jensen boys, Ace and Chance, know how to ride the savage land. But when they agree to lead a wagon full of women across Texas, they’re just asking for trouble—times five …

Five Mail-Order Brides

A prostitute. A virgin. A tomboy. A woman on the run. And a bank robber’s girlfriend. These five brides-to-be are

ready to get hitched in San Angelo, Texas—and it’s Ace and Chance’s job to get them to the church on time. But this

is no easy walk down the aisle. It’s one hard journey that could get them all killed …

One Wild Ride

One of the brides has a crazy ex-husband gunning for her. Another has a secret stash of $50,000, stolen by her outlaw

boyfriend. He’s not letting go—of her or the money. Then there’s a creepy, woman-hungry clan of backwoodsmen

who want the brides for themselves, not to mention a fierce, deadly band of Comanche kidnappers. But Ace and

Chance swear they’ll protect these ladies—till death do they part …

Narrator: Jack Garrett
