
Spiritual Currency


This is the book of Y.O.U. (Your Own Universe) which is designed to track and compound your life's capital.

The reason for this book is to make you aware of your Spirituality and Consciousness. The analogy of currency to our basic life's capital is a representation of the wealth of our spirit and the height of our consciousness. The book will take you on a journey to explore your belief systems regarding a variety of topics including Trust, Gratitude, Acknowledgment, Relationships, Sex, Energy, Presence... You will find exercises which may assist you in evaluating your personal development and increasing and maintaining your spiritual performance.

The exercises are short, thought provoking and easy to complete. Feel free to rewrite and edit these sessions as your self-awareness grows. Unlike other academic exercises, there are no grades or wrong answers; so be candid and enjoy the revelations or what we like to call, “ah hah” moments. These moments of clarity and discovery will happen more frequently as your Spiritual Currency grows and Your Own Universe reveals itself.

Narrator: Anna Cordell
