
The Complete Works Of Ambrose Bierce


This volume offers the Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce (1842–1913, Wikipedia). While Version 1.0 only had the fictional writings that were published under his own name, I have added the non-fictional texts and the pseudonomously published early books for Version 2.0. It now has everything that was contained in the 12-volume The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce (New York, 1909–1912), which was supervised by Bierce himself. The texts are arranged under the titles of previously published books and some new sections, which I have regrouped by literary genre.

There are tables of contents for the collection and all of the books, and links after each text/chapter leading to the respective tables, so navigation should be easy. Alphabetical indexes for stories, fables, poems, and essays bring you to the texts you’re looking for.


The Devil’s Dictionary (1906)


Early Writings

The Fiend’s Delight (1873)

Nuggets and Dust (1873) (see update v.3.0)

Cobwebs from an Empty Skull (1874)

The Dance of Death (1877)


Ashes of the Beacon

The Land beyond the Blow

For the Ahkoond

In the Midst of Life—Tales of Soldiers and Civilians (1898)

Can Such Things Be? (1893)

The Ways of Ghosts


Some Haunted Houses

“Mysterious Disappearances”

The Monk and the Hangman’s Daughter (1892)

Negligible Tales

The Parenticide Club

The Fourth Estate

The Ocean Wave

Kings of Beasts



Fantastic Fables

Fables from “Fun”

Æsopus Emendatus

Old Saws with New Teeth

Fables in Rhyme


The Mummery

Two Administrations


Shapes of Clay

Some Ante-Mortem Epitaphs

The Scrap Heap

Black Beetles in Amber

On Stone

Essays, Articles & Reviews

Bits of Autobiography

“On with the Dance!” A Review

Tangential Views

The Opinionator

The Reviewer

The Controversialist

The Timorous Reporter

The March Hare

The Shadow on the Dial and Other Essays (1909)

Write It Right