
The Ego's Code: Understand the truth behind your negativity!


Every day we all experience negativity, whether it be thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, behavior, or self-talk, within ourselves or from other people. For many people it causes them to sabotage success, relationships, health, well-being, and finances, ultimately preventing them from experiencing the best of who they are and living their dreams.

During a meditation at Stonehenge, Clayton John Ainger received clear and detailed guidance about why we experience negativity and how to be free of it.

In The Ego's Code, Clayton explores the spiritual reasons for negativity, its purpose, and where it comes from. He explains the effect on the physical body, the mind, how it interacts with spirit, and impacts your life. The Ego's Code offers new insights and new understanding to change old belief patterns and perceptions about negativity. Clayton invites you to undertake simple and yet powerful exercises to learn how to decipher your code, release your negativity, and stop sabotaging your success...so you can live your dream life.

An Author's Republic audio production.

Narrator: Clayton John Ainger