The Eye of Death by Arthur Leo Zagat is a spine-tingling journey into the heart of darkness and mystery. When a renowned archaeologist discovers an ancient artifact known as the Eye of Death, an ominous and supernatural force is unleashed. As strange and deadly occurrences plague those involved, a relentless investigator must unravel the artifact's chilling secrets before more lives are claimed. With each clue revealing a deeper layer of the artifact's malevolent power, the stakes escalate into a battle against time and terror. Can the investigator stop the ancient curse, or will the Eye of Death prove too powerful to defeat? Dive into this riveting tale where every twist and turn could be your last.
Riverfront Horror : Terror Tales
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner Papaloi! : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Construction Murders : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookLair of the Snake Girl : Terror Tales
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookMurder Marches By : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Murder Medicine : Doc. Turner Series
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bookTerror Beneath the Streets : Dime Mystery Magazine
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bookMadman's Bride : Dime Mystery Magazine
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeath Lands a Cargo : Dime Mystery Magazine
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bookSeven Out of Time
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bookDoc. Turner Meets the Angel of Death : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeath Set-Up in Yellow : Doc. Turner Series
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Doc. Turner's Death Antidote : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeadlock : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookCorpses on Account : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeath Set-Up in Yellow : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Witness From Hell : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookGraves Filled to Order : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookMurder Marches By : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookTorture on Morris Street : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Subway Suicide : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner Meets the Angel of Death : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Murder Mask : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Inquisition : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat