In the seventh installment of the Corean Chronicles, as Mykella follows the trail of her father's missing money, she discovers sinister plots, mysterious deaths, and her own magic.
Imager's Intrigue
L. E. Modesitt
audiobookFrom the Forest
L. E. Modesitt
L. E. Modesitt
L. E. Modesitt
audiobookArchform : Beauty
L. E. Modesitt
audiobookThe Ecolitan Enigma
L. E. Modesitt
audiobookThe Green Progression
L. E. Modesitt, Bruce Scott Levinson
audiobookGhost of the White Nights
L. E. Modesitt
audiobookThe Ghost of the Revelator
L. E. Modesitt
audiobookThe Ecologic Envoy
L. E. Modesitt
audiobookOf Tangible Ghosts
L. E. Modesitt
audiobookTimediver's Dawn
L. E. Modesitt
The Paladin
C. J. Cherryh
audiobookMist and Mirrors
Eve Langlais
audiobookBlack Jade
Kylie Chan
audiobookDemon Child
Kylie Chan
audiobookEarth to Hell
Kylie Chan
audiobookA Darkness Forged in Fire
Chris Evans
audiobookChildren of the Night
Mercedes Lackey
audiobookEarth's Paladin
Eve Langlais
audiobookJinx High
Mercedes Lackey
audiobookDark Serpent
Kylie Chan
audiobookHell to Heaven
Kylie Chan
Mercedes Lackey