
The Marathon Magic Handbook


The Purpose of this Guide: Navigating the Marathon Maze

My goal for creating this marathon guide is simple: Iā€™m SUPER committed to helping you be a better marathon runner!

Having successfully completed more than 45 marathons myself in over 20 years of training, Iā€™ve made almost all the mistakes possible when it comes to marathons!

But Iā€™ve made the mistakes so you donā€™t have to!

Throughout my years of training and racing, Iā€™ve also learned how to run a marathon

successfully. Joyfully, even!

Heck, Iā€™ve even run an average of 2.5 marathons a day, clocking up 1,000

kms when I ran from Brisbane to Sydney in just 11 days 7 hours!

Beyond my recent 2:54 PB in the Melbourne Marathon (2022), and all of my personal running training experience, Iā€™ve also coached over 500 runners to complete their first, or greatly improve their second, fifth or tenth marathon- and then some!

Within the pages of this expert guide, Iā€™m not just sharing how to train for a marathon.

Because YES, the training part is obviously key- but itā€™s honestly just the beginning.

In this Marathon Magic Handbook, weā€™ll also dive into essential categories of nutrition, hydration, recovery, mindset, and strength training for running!

Training for a marathon (and beyond!) is so much more than a bunch of things to tick off your list. You can transform your training into a journey that unveils not just race day revelations but also incredible insights into your own character along the way.

Long-distance running is like a mirror, reflecting truths about yourselfā€”some embraced, some challenging. ALL of it will serve you to be a more confident, more well-prepared marathoner...a more successful marathoner.

This serves to equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the marathon maze, ensuring a holistic and enriching experience that extends well beyond the finish line!

Happy reading and happy running Champion!