
The One True Me and You


One small fandom convention.

One teen beauty pageant.

One meet-cute waiting to happen.

Up-and-coming fanfic author Kaylee Beaumont is internally screaming at the chance to finally meet her fandom friends in real life and spend a weekend at GreatCon. She also has a side quest for the weekend:

Try out they/them pronouns to see how it feels.

Wear more masculine-presenting cosplay.

Kiss a girl for the first time.

Itā€™s ā€¦ a lot, and Kay mostly wants to lie facedown on the hotel floor. Especially when her hometown bully, Miss North Carolina, shows up in the very same hotel. But thereā€™s this con-sponsored publishing contest and the chance to meet her

fandom idols ā€¦ and then, thereā€™s Teagan.

Pageant queen Teagan Miller (Miss Virginia) has her eye on the much-needed prize: the $25,000 scholarship awarded to the winner of the Miss Cosmic Teen USA pageant.

She also has secrets:

She loves the dresses but hates the tiaras.

Sheā€™s a giant nerd for everything GreatCon.

Sheā€™s gay AF.

If Teagan can just keep herself wrapped up tight for one more weekend, she can claim the scholarship and go off to college out and proud. If sheā€™s caught, she could lose everything sheā€™s worked for. If her rival, Miss North Carolina, has anything to do with it, thatā€™s exactly how itā€™ll go down.

When Teagan and Kay bump into each other the first night, sparks fly. Their connection is intenseā€”as is their shared enemy. If theyā€™re spotted, the safe space of the con will be shattered and all their secrets will follow them home. The risks are great ā€¦ but could the reward of embracing their true selves be worth it?