Terence Macduff, a cunning intergalactic swindler, finds himself in a high-stakes game of wits aboard the spaceship Sutter. With a priceless plant, a mysterious beauty, and a vengeful lobster-like creature in the mix, Macduff must use every trick up his sleeve to come out on top. As tensions rise and hidden agendas unravel, can Macduff pull off the ultimate con, or will his own clever schemes finally catch up with him?
The Salem Horror
Henry Kuttner
bookThe power and the glory
Henry Kuttner
bookThe power and the glory
Henry Kuttner
bookHouse of Terror: Henry Kuttner' Horror Boxed Set : Macabre Classics by Henry Kuttner: I, the Vampire, The Salem Horror, Chameleon Man
Henry Kuttner
bookWe Kill People
Henry Kuttner
bookThe Eyes of Thar
Henry Kuttner
bookThis is the House
Henry Kuttner
bookBlack Cat Weekly #71
Mark Thielman, J.M. Taylor, Hal Charles, Frank Kane, Arthur Conan Doyle, Malcolm Jameson, Murray Leinster, Edmond Hamilton, Manly Wade Wellman, Henry Kuttner
bookSecret of the Earth Star
Henry Kuttner
bookThe Collected Works
Henry Kuttner
bookTomorrow and Tomorrow
Henry Kuttner
bookThunder in the Dawn
Henry Kuttner