In the future there will be two groups of cancer patients. Those who have read this book - and those who are uninformed. For many years Lothar Hirneise has been traveling throughout the world looking for the most successful cancer therapies, and he has been explaining to people that there is much more available than just chemotherapy and irradiation. Recognized internationally as Europe's leading specialist in this area, he describes the results of his years of research in this encyclopedia of non-conventional therapies. The reader will also learn in detail why so-called experts in reality know little about cancer. In addition to descriptions of more than 100 cancer therapies and substances used in treating cancer, the author also explains which cancer therapies are used allopathically, for which types of cancer, and what is imperative for a patient to know before he subjects himself to such therapies. The 3E program, which is based on the analysis of case histories of thousands of people who have survived late stage cancer, is also described for the first time. Learn why so many people die of cancer, and why so many others do not. This book not only supplies an incredible amount of information, it also helps the cancer patient to find his own way to cure cancer through the active exercises of the 3E program.
Saliva Gland Cancer
Lothar Hirneise
bookTesticular Cancer
Lothar Hirneise
bookSmall cell bronchial carcinoma
Lothar Hirneise
bookStomach Cancer
Lothar Hirneise
bookSoft Tissue Sarcoma
Lothar Hirneise
bookThyroid Gland Carcinoma
Lothar Hirneise
bookProstate Carcinoma
Lothar Hirneise
bookUterine Cancer
Lothar Hirneise
bookNon-small Cell Bronchial Carcinoma
Lothar Hirneise
bookLiver tumor
Lothar Hirneise
bookOropharynx carcinoma
Lothar Hirneise
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