All the boat's crew are afraid of Grislygrin, the fearsome pirate. When they hear the knock, knock, knock of his wooden leg they run to hide. But, what would happen if one day someone changed the wooden leg for a rubber duck? Hilarious consequences await the once terrified crew in this beautifully illustrated book!
El ratón que comía cuentos
José Carlos Andrés
bookThe Mouse Who Ate Books
José Carlos Andrés
bookLa primera aventura del Ratoncito Pérez
José Carlos Andrés
bookI'm a Zcary Vampire
José Carlos Andrés
bookThe Ghost with the Smelly Old Underwear
José Carlos Andrés
bookUna momia muy hambrienta
José Carlos Andrés
bookUn vampiro peligrozo
José Carlos Andrés
bookThe Journey of Captain Scaredy Cat
José Carlos Andrés
bookEl fantasma de las bragas rotas
José Carlos Andrés
bookThe Very Hungry Mummy
José Carlos Andrés
bookRuby the Rambunctious
José Carlos Andrés