With humor and honesty, award-winning author Lee Reilly explores the joys and trials of the "ever-single" woman in a world defined by the married. In Women Living Single, she tells the refreshing stories of 30 unmarried women of all ages, struggling alone to live life to its fullest, and succeeding. Caitlin never decided to remain unmarried-her singleness just happened when she made choices to pursue her art career. Lindsay broke her engagement to travel and become a teacher. Like countless others, they don't fit the role their family and friends have defined for them. Instead, they each write their own script building vibrant lives-setting their own goals, creating their own sense of family, and planning their own success. Her own fulfilled single life enables Lee Reilly to write about women's choices and difficulties with wisdom and sensitivity. All women, both married and single, will enjoy Barbara Caruso's stirring narration of this encouraging and exciting book of achievements in the face of astonishing odds.