The Player

Money, power, prestigeā€¦Legacy. Gage Coulter is ā€”The Player. His whole life, all, basketball player, Gage Coulter, has heard is how he was meant to play basketball. Meant to be elite. So what happens if he canā€™t even play on the damn team? With his starting position in jeopardy, he needs help from the one girl on campus who canā€™t stand him. Too bad, sheā€™s also the one girl he canā€™t get out of his head. Becker Johnson has a plan for her life. And it doesnā€™t include doing some jockā€™s homework so he can toss a ball in the net or whatever. Sheā€™s getting the Collins Scholarship and moving to New York. See, all planned out. Until her advisor drops a bombshell. While her grades are excellent, sheā€™ll need some work experience to be eligible for the scholarship. And lucky Becker, heā€™s got just the right student for her.