
31 Years on the Plains and in the Mountains : An Authentic Record of a Life Time of Hunting, Trapping, Scouting and Fighting in the Far West


William F. Drannan's '31 Years on the Plains and in the Mountains' is a riveting firsthand account of a life lived on the frontier during a time of great change and conflict in the American West. Written in a straightforward and unembellished style, the book provides a glimpse into the harsh realities of everyday life for pioneers, trappers, and Native Americans in the mid-19th century. Drannan's attention to detail and vivid descriptions offer readers a unique perspective on the cultural clashes and hardships faced by those who ventured into the untamed wilderness. The book serves as both a historical document and a compelling narrative of survival and resilience. William F. Drannan, a seasoned frontiersman and trapper himself, draws on his personal experiences to bring the Old West to life in '31 Years on the Plains and in the Mountains'. His deep understanding of the landscapes, peoples, and challenges of the West lends authenticity and depth to the book's portrayal of a bygone era. Readers interested in exploring the complexities of Western expansion and the human stories behind it will find '31 Years on the Plains and in the Mountains' a captivating and enlightening read.