
A Cup Of Comfort For Devotional for Mothers


In this special addition to the bestselling A Cup of Comfort series, you'll find touching, biblical-themed stories written by devoted mothers who have welcomed the Lord into their daily lives. Celebrating the God-given beauty, strength, and wisdom of mothers everywhere, these daily reflections will inspire and delight you.

You'll draw comfort and renewed confidence in the moving stories of such mothers as: Jean, who looks to the Lord to ease the struggles she faces raising her children—and in the process renews her commitment to family love Sally, who finds the wisdom she needs in scripture when her adopted son asks questions about his past Nancy, who trusts in God to watch after her grown children after they've left her home and gone out on their own into the world

Being a good mother is never easy. But with A Cup of Comfort Devotional for Mothers, you have all you need to help deepen your faith in God, family, and the power of a mother's love.