
A Hermit's Wild Friends; or, Eighteen Years in the Woods


Mason Augustus Walton's 'A Hermit's Wild Friends; or, Eighteen Years in the Woods' is a captivating memoir that delves into the author's experiences living in solitude in the wilderness for nearly two decades. Through poetic prose and vivid descriptions, Walton paints a picture of the rugged beauty of nature and the profound connections he formed with the animals that became his companions. The book is a unique blend of personal reflection, natural history, and adventure, offering readers a glimpse into a solitary life lived in harmony with the wild. Walton's writing style is both lyrical and introspective, immersing readers in the enchanting world he inhabited. This memoir is a valuable contribution to the genre of nature writing, offering a fresh perspective on the human-animal bond and the transformative power of the wilderness. Mason Augustus Walton's deep connection to nature and his introspective musings make 'A Hermit's Wild Friends; or, Eighteen Years in the Woods' a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of solitude, wilderness, and the natural world.