


Culture is the key for lasting success!

As Peter Drucker already knew "Culture eats strategy for breakfast"! We can have the best vision, the best strategy or the best processes the world has ever imagined - as long as our culture does not support that, our activities will lead nowhere. This is a nice explanation for why approximately 70% of big corporate transformations fail to produce the intended results.

The necessity of sustainably improving the corporate culture becomes also evident in diverse empirical studies: According to, e.g., Gallup, the culture in most (western) organizations is far from being open, empowering, honest and motivating. As a result, in fact, the average employee spends his time at work being rather demotivated and disengaged. What a waste of precious lifetime and resources!

As a result, working on and improving the corporate culture should be at the very heart of every corporate transformation! But how to do so?

Change can be fun! People CAN enjoy change! Certain elements can make the change a success! Be inspired by our practice and evidence-based thinking of how change works - to make it work for you!

The LxAxR=I formula depicts the ocean of change in a simple and comprehensible way: To generate desired Impact you need to get the Leadership, Approach and Resources right - at the same time. This approach is very different from any other change approach we know and builds on more than 100 transformations which we have been running. And it works! Follow us on exploring the formula and make it work for you!