Hidden from the dawn of time by revealed to us in God's Word, is the greatest mystery of all – oneness with Christ. We were created not just to be like Him, but to become truly one with Him. In Consumed By Love, Duncan tells the story of his journey into discovering the God of Love who in Christ became one with all of humanity. This priceless act of love holds the key to each of us living an extraordinary life on earth that only God can live, accessing His infinite riches and supernatural power and giving it away to the world.
The Essential Book of Drawing : A guide to creating great art
Duncan Smith
bookThe Fundamentals of Drawing Animals : A step-by-step guide to creating eye-catching artwork
Duncan Smith
bookLär Dig Teckna Djur : En steg-för-steg-guide till fantastiska djurbilder
Duncan Smith
bookEssential Guide to Drawing : A practical and inspirational workbook
Barrington Barber, Duncan Smith
bookEssential Guide to Drawing: Animals
Duncan Smith