The first installment in the beloved, sumptuous mystery series set in Provence, featuring chief magistrate Antoine Verlaque and his old flame Marine Bonnet, who must team up to solve a pair of murders.
A Noel Killing
M.L. Longworth
audiobookDisaster at the Vendome Theater
M.L. Longworth
audiobookThe Vanishing Museum on the Rue Mistral
M.L. Longworth
audiobookThe Secrets of the Bastide Blanche
M.L. Longworth
audiobookThe Curse of La Fontaine
M.L. Longworth
audiobookThe Mystery of the Lost Cezanne
M.L. Longworth
audiobookMurder on the Ile Sordou
M.L. Longworth
audiobookDeath in the Vines
M.L. Longworth
audiobookMurder in the Rue Dumas
M.L. Longworth
audiobookDeath at the Chateau Bremont
M.L. Longworth
The Cane
Maryrose Cuskelly
audiobookBricks and Mortality
Ann Granger
audiobookMud, Muck and Dead Things
Ann Granger
audiobookRack, Ruin and Murder
Ann Granger
audiobookA Red Herring Without Mustard
Alan Bradley
audiobookWhere The Truth Lies : A completely gripping crime thriller
M J Lee
audiobookDead in the Water
Ann Granger
audiobookCounterfeit Magic
Kelley Armstrong
Garry Disher
audiobookKilling With Confetti
Peter Lovesey
audiobookUntimely Death
Cyril Hare
audiobookbookMurderous Mistral
Cay Rademacher