The Foundation series is Isaac Asimov’s iconic masterpiece. Unfolding against the backdrop of a crumbling Galactic Empire, the story of Hari Seldon’s two Foundations is a lasting testament to an extraordinary imagination, one that shaped science fiction as we know it today.
The Galactic Empire has prospered for twelve thousand years. Nobody suspects that the heart of the thriving Empire is rotten, until psychohistorian Hari Seldon uses his new science to foresee its terrible fate.
Exiled to the desolate planet Terminus, Seldon establishes a colony of the greatest minds in the Empire, a Foundation which holds the key to changing the fate of the galaxy.
However, the death throes of the Empire breed hostile new enemies, and the young Foundation’s fate will be threatened first.
A long and slightly confusing story since its build upon a timeline.. Keeping heads and tails in a series of connected short stories is difficult due to the level of detailing that has to be described when a new environment is discovered. On the other hand: its quite a different take on a novel and i like the overall theme of psyko-history and how the future can be predicted.. unfortunately that part dies out due to necessity of the storyline.. I would have liked to hear more of that..
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