This manual provides detailed explanation of manufacturing munitions from seemingly innocuous locally available materials. As an official army manual, it was primarily intended to increase the potential of Special Forces and guerrilla troops, however, "Improvised Munitions Handbook" represents perfect reading for all arms enthusiasts, as well as civilians considering their safety. This edition offers simple instructions, enriched with a large number of illustrations, on various techniques for constructing many different weapons and devices made of materials that can be bought in a drug or hardware store or found in a junkyard. The instructions are presented in a way that even people normally not familiar with making and handling munitions can use them. Table of Contents: Explosives and Propellants Plastic Explosive Filler Improvised Black Powder Carbone Tet- Explosive Methyl Nitrate Dynamite Urea Nitrate Explosive Sodium Chlorate and Sugar or Aluminum Explosive… Mines and Grenades Nail Grenade Wine Bottle Cone Charge Coke Bottle Shaped Charge… Small Arms Weapons and Ammunitions Pipe Pistol for 9 mm Ammunition Shotgun (12 gauge) Carbine (7.62 mm Standard Rifle Ammunition) Rifle Cartridge… Mortars and Rockets Shotgun Grenade Launcher Fire Bottle Launcher 60 mm Mortar Projectile Launcher… Incendiary Devices Chemical Fire Bottle Gelled Flame Fuels Improvised White Flare Improvised White Smoke Munitions… Fuses, Detonators & Delay Mechanisms Electric Bulb Initiator Fuse Igniter from Book Matches Delay Igniter from Cigarette Watch Delay Timer Can-Liquid Time Delay Detonator… Miscellaneous Mousetrap Switch Knife Switch Rope Grenade Launching Technique Bicycle Generator Power Source Improvised Battery Armor Materials… Primary High Explosives Secondary High Explosives
German Campaign in Russia: Planning and Operations (1940-1942) : WW2: Strategic & Operational Planning: Directive Barbarossa, The Initial Operations, German Attack on Moscow, Offensive in the Caucasus & Battle for Stalingrad
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bookCounter Sniper Handbook - Eliminate the Risk with the Official US Army Manual
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bookGerman Campaign in Russia: Planning and Operations (1940-1942)
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bookBiological Warfare
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