Shinrin-yoku er den japanske vej til et bedre helbred. Shinrin-yoku (eller skovbadning) handler om at gå i skoven og opnå et bedre helbred – fysisk og mentalt. Historisk har shinrin-yoku i århundreder været en del af japansk kultur, men dr. Qing Lis banebrydende forskning har solidt dokumenteret, at tid med træer (selv hvis du bare indretter dit hjem med planter) virker mod en lang række lidelser og sygdomme – ved at sænke blodtrykket, mindske stress samt øge din energi og forbedre dit immunforsvar.
Oxygen, the Breath of Life: Boon and Bane in Human Health, Disease, and Therapy
Olen R. Brown
bookRelieve Social Anxiety - A Self-Help Hypnotherapy Session (Unabbreviated)
Lynda Hudson
audiobookThe Pictorial Key to the Tarot
Arthur Edward Waite
bookHealing Stones for the Vital Organs : 83 Crystals with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Michael Gienger, Wolfgang Maier
bookThe Parent?s Autism Sourcebook : A Comprehensive Guide to Screenings, Treatments, Services, and Organizations
Kim Mack Rosenberg
bookTeaching Yoga Beyond the Poses : A Practical Workbook for Integrating Themes, Ideas, and Inspiration into Your Class
Sage Rountree, Alexandra Desiato
audiobookAn Introduction to Zen Buddhism
D.T. Suzuki
audiobookHow to Invite Cuddling Without Inviting Sex
Steve Pavlina
audiobookLove and illusions
Miku Suzuki
bookLitteraturen giver form til en følelse : Essays om liv, forskning og digtning
Thomas Bredsdorff
bookCultivating Your Microbiome : Ayurvedic and Chinese Practices for a Healthy Gut and a Clear Mind
Bridgette Shea
bookAkashic Record & Third Eye Awakening & Reiki Healing : Beginner Guide for Reiki Healing, Pineal Gland Activation & Discover Your Soul