
Learn Swedish: The Ultimate Guide to Talking Online in Swedish (Deluxe Edition)


Want to learn Swedish that's not taught in textbooks and schools?

Then take your Swedish to the next level with Learn Swedish: The Ultimate Guide to Talking Online in Swedish.

Learn how to communicate on social media just like Swedish natives do on a daily basis.

With this audiobook, you'll learn how to make comments, post your reactions, and ask questions on social media. You'll learn everything from catching up and asking what your friends are up to down to wishing them a happy birthday and much, much more. With this audiobook, you get:

25 lessons in total

2.5 hours in total

An 78-page ebook so you can read along

Each lesson contains:

One example of a post

Four reactions and comments

English translations

Slowed-down pronunciations

A preview of lessons inside:

How to post about having dinner with friends

How to post about going shopping

How to post about music or videos

How to post Christmas greetings

And much more!

Fortæller: SwedishPod101.com