The fourth installment of the popular series-a hilarious study of 1930s manner and pecking order-begins when Lucia Lucas rents a summer place-the home of Elizabeth Mapp-in the English village of Tilling. So begins a battle of one-upmanship, peppered with queenly airs, ghastly tea parties, and unnerving bridge evenings as the two combatants attempt to out-do each other to win social supremacy. The pompous Lucia and malignant Mapp are characters you will love to hate, wonderfully penned by E.F. Benson.
Black Cat Weekly #147
Shannon Taft, Ron Miller, John Glasby, Hal Charles, Edmond Hamilton, E.F. Benson, Arthur Leo Zagat, Florence Warden, Ernest Favenc
bookSir Francis Drake
E.F. Benson
bookLucia in London
E.F. Benson
bookLucia’s Progress
E.F. Benson
bookMapp and Lucia
E.F. Benson
bookTrouble for Lucia
E.F. Benson
bookPaying Guests
E.F. Benson
bookMrs. Ames
E.F. Benson
bookDavid Blaize
E.F. Benson
bookDavid Blaize and the Blue Door
E.F. Benson
E.F. Benson
bookMammon and Co.
E.F. Benson