In Marx, Capital, and the Madness of Economic Reason, David Harvey not only provides a concise distillation of his famous course on Capital, but also makes the text relevant to the twenty-first century's continued processes of globalization.
A Companion to Marx's Grundrisse
David Harvey
audiobookSeventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism
David Harvey
audiobookA Brief History of Neoliberalism
David Harvey
audiobookCrónicas anticapitalistas
David Harvey
bookTeorías del Imperialismo y la Dependencia desde el Sur Global
Néstor Kohan, Ruy Mauro Marini, Vania Bambirra, Theotonio Dos Santos, Orlando Caputo Leiva, Samir Amin, David Harvey, John Smith, Adrián Sotelo Valencia, Jaime Osorio Urbina, Claudio Katz, Marcelo Dias Carcanholo, Alexia Massholder, Andy Higginbottom, Gabriela Roffinelli, Leandro Javier Gómez, Christian Arias Barona, Vladimir Ilich Lenin
bookEspacios del capitalismo global : Hacia una teoría del desarrollo geográfico desigual
David Harvey
bookEl enigma del capital : y las crisis del capitalismo
David Harvey
bookMarx, el capital y la locura de la razón económica
David Harvey
bookSenderos del mundo
David Harvey
bookEl cosmopolitismo y las geografías de la libertad
David Harvey
bookGuía de El Capital de Marx : Libro segundo
David Harvey
Democracy Rules
Jan-Werner Müller
audiobookThe Philosophy of Social Ecology
Murray Bookchin
audiobookThe Power of Conflict : Speak Your Mind and Get the Results You Want
Jon Taffer
audiobookThe Wisdom of Angela Davis : Revolutionary Icon
Geoffrey Giuliano
audiobookWorld War II
Gerhard L. Weinberg
audiobookThe Black Jacobins
C.L.R James
audiobookThe Cry of the Soul
Dan B. Allender, Tremper Longman
audiobookEthics in the Real World
Peter Singer
audiobookThe Great Transformation : The World in the Time of Buddha, Socrates, Confucius and Jeremiah
Karen Armstrong
bookMarx's Das Kapital : A Biography (A Book that Shook the World)
Francis Wheen
bookHow to Teach Economics to Your Dog - A Quirky Introduction (Unabridged)
Rebecca Campbell, Anthony McGowan
audiobookEconomic Sociology
Fouad Sabry