Under the Mediterranean sun, a drama begins in a cafe courtyard in M álaga. For Ian Ferrier, an employee of the United States Space Agency on a vacation visit to his old friend Jeff Reid, it means the startling discovery that Reid is not just a wine exporter, but also a CIA operative, charged with smuggling communist defectors to the West. Events take a disastrous turn for the worse when Ferrier, a stranger both to Spain and to the deadly world of espionage, is forced to take sole charge of a high-ranking KGB agent. Alone in an beguiling but alien country, he can afford no mistakes when choosing between friend and foe...
Drama i Salzburg
Helen MacInnes
audiobookbookMøde i Venedig
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bookAuktion i Wien
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bookFrygtens marked
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bookCloak of Darkness
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bookI and My True Love
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bookFriends and Lovers
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bookPrelude to Terror : A Robert Renwick Novel
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bookHome is the Hunter: A Comedy in Two Acts
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bookRest and Be Thankful
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