
Mistress of the Crows


Mistress of the Crows

Leslie Garber

A young woman is on the trail of a terrible secret and encounters the love of her life.

The size of this book corresponds to 100 paperback pages.

"No," whispered the grey-haired woman with the light blue eyes. Her mouth was half open. She was terrified.

From the horizon she saw the dark swarm of birds approaching. Like dark thoughts they floated in the sky.

They were crows.

I called her, she realized it and this realization struck her like a blow. She felt the despair rising inside her. It was a dark, cloudy day. Dorothy Carson shivered. An icy wind came from the coast and blew over the grey-looking country. A croaking sound cut the silence like a knife. The old lady swirled around looking at the front of the spacious, stately country house she lived in. Half a dozen crows had taken a seat on the roof without Dorothy noticing. And a few more have now been added. It was spooky.