
Moving Day


She's finally getting a house of her own…

Of course, on moving day, her husband, Charles, is off on a business trip. But that's okay, he'd just be in the way. When the movers arrive, and she finds they are two hot young guys and their father, who is also quite a stud, Tracey is even happier that Charles won't be back for a few days. Chances are she can get something almost as good as a new house. The way these hot men look at her, it's a good bet that she stands a chance of being pleasured by three men and cuckolding her husband.

Sometimes life is good. And if you are willing to take a few risks, other times it's even better.

~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~

Tracey was glad Charles had to make the business trip to New York. The timing couldn't have been better. He left the next morning — the same day the movers were coming. That would get him out of her hair for a few days; she had enough to do to make the move happen with him around micromanaging everything. This way it would be a lot easier on her.

It gave her leverage too. He'd feel guilty about skipping out and she could use that to make him do some things she wanted, like maybe take the trip to Mexico he'd promised but kept putting off.

Not that there was much left to do as far as the move went. The movers she'd hired would arrive soon and do all the work with her supervising. She'd already boxed up everything except for the clothes and pots and pans she'd need for the next couple of days.

The move had her excited. Charles's first wife had died two years ago. She'd decorated this house, and because of sentiment, he resisted her desire to change anything she'd done.

He claimed he loved Tracey and she believed him, but at the same time, he seemed to resent learning that she wasn't a direct replacement for his first wife.

He was five years older than she was. She'd thought that would be a good thing, but it turned out that a lot of her younger ideas upset him. So there was some tension in an otherwise happy relationship. She compensated for some of the things that bothered him by giving him what he admitted was the wildest sex of his life.

"I'll do anything you want," she told him and set out to prove it.

Her efforts in the bedroom made him happy, but his sex life with his first wife had pretty tame. To her, his ideas of wild sex were just… sex. When she gave him a blowjob in the parking lot in front of his office, it got him off but embarrassed him too.

That was too bad because Tracey thought he was a great guy, and a wonderful husband in other ways. Marriage had promoted her socially, from secretary to wife of a successful man. They lived well. She had no intention of throwing that away.

It took a while, but she'd finally convinced him to make an important change. "This is a new marriage," she said. "This house will always remind you of your first wife and you won't let me make it mine."

"I just can't," he said.

Finally, he agreed that she could pick out a new house — one that would be just theirs. She'd found one that he liked, and now, she hoped, they would leave his late wife's ghost behind.

She hoped the new house would change a lot of things. Many things needed work, including their sex life. She assumed, she hoped with all her heart, that part of his lack of interest in sex was that the memories of his late wife were strong in that house. He'd adored her and doing kinky things with Tracey had to feel a lot like cheating — at least as long as they were in this house surrounded by her lingering presence.