
Seven Minor Epics of the English Renaissance (1596-1624)


The anthology 'Seven Minor Epics of the English Renaissance (1596-1624)' presents a curated exploration into the oft-overlooked territory of minor epic poetry during a transformative period in literary history. This collection brings together a remarkable diversity in style and theme, showcasing the richness of the English Renaissance beyond its most celebrated figures. The chosen works demonstrate the evolution of epic poetry, weaving intricate narratives that span both the mythological and the contemporary, reflecting the broader cultural shifts and intellectual fervor of the era. At its core, this anthology is a testament to the enduring power and flexibility of the epic form, inviting readers to reconsider its boundaries and potentialities. The contributing poets, Dunstan Gale, Richard Linche, Samuel Page, and William Barksted, each bring their unique voice to this compilation, united by their contributions to the epic form during a period marked by a fervent reexamination of classical literature and an intense engagement with new ideas of the self, nation, and universe. Their backgrounds, spanning the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, encapsulate a moment in English literature characterized by remarkable innovation and richness, challenging and expanding the epic tradition. This collection aligns with broader cultural and literary movements of the Renaissance, acting as a microcosm of the era's broader explorations and questioning. 'Seven Minor Epics of the English Renaissance (1596-1624)' is an essential read for anyone interested in the depths and diversities of Renaissance literature, providing a unique lens through which to explore the era's intellectual landscapes. Through its celebration of lesser-known works, the anthology enriches our understanding of the period's literary achievements, encouraging readers to delve into the complexities of genre, narrative, and stylistic experimentation. It offers an unparalleled opportunity to revel in the richness of Renaissance epic poetry, stimulating further scholarship and appreciation for these minor, yet profoundly significant, contributions to the tapestry of English literature.