Skyscraper Wind Design examines the critical interplay between wind and tall buildings, offering insights for creating resilient high-rise structures. It highlights how early skyscrapers faced wind-related challenges, leading to retrofits and failures, while modern design employs wind tunnel testing and computational modeling for proactive solutions. The book stresses the importance of integrating architectural aesthetics with structural engineering to create safe, sustainable, and economically viable skyscrapers.
The book progresses from fundamental aerodynamic principles to design strategies like aerodynamic shaping and damping systems. Emphasizing a holistic approach, it uniquely combines quantitative data from wind tunnel tests with qualitative design principles. For example, the orientation and spacing of buildings in urban planning significantly impacts wind patterns.
The book analyzes wind tunnel testing, compares structural systems under wind loads, and studies iconic skyscrapers. It is a resource for architects and engineers, promoting innovation and resilience in the built environment by addressing ongoing debates, such as the balance between structural stiffness and flexibility.