H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar offers deep wisdom, a celebration of the Spirit of Enquiry on the spiritual path and the journey to the self. Spirit Of Enquiry is a compilation of short talks given by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on the search of Unseen and Unknown. Enquiry (Jigyasa) is the desire deep inside the mind to know the truth, to know reality. Author holds the hands and lead the jigyasu to the ocean of knowledge and truth. The truth which beholds the grace of god and pure enlightenment. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says if one wants to know god one has to know himself first. He says one who knows himself, who meditates, whose mind is free from tension, still, calm, hollow and empty can find the God in himself
Through The Eyes Of The Master
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookSri Sri As I Know Him
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookContradictions In Bhagavad Gita
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookPunarnava - New Again
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookIndia in Action
Sri Sri Ravishankar
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookAyurveda and Breath
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookThe Yogasara Upanishad
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookThe Space Within
Sri Sri Ravishankar
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookShiva The Enternal Joy
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookAyurveda and Breath
Sri Sri Ravishankar
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