
Terence Mckenna Decoded


Terence Mckenna Decoded

Writer, philosopher and psychonaut

Learn about themes like:

Spiritual evolution

How to reconnect with the universe

Taking your spiritual self to the next level

Novelty theory

You will also learn the following:

How to escape extinction, trust intuition and reach a new cultural level.

Discover what nature has to teach you through science, psychedelics and your ancestors.

Stop worrying, find happiness and perceive reality as it is.

You will discover his answers to all of these questions:

Culture and history

How to escape extinction?

How to reach a new cultural level?

What’s the problem with culture?

Is it a good thing that the world is out of control?

How does history develop in waves?


How to find teachers in nature?

Why your body is all you need to understand reality?

Change your mind

Why you shouldn’t worry?

What is intuition?

Can we choose our addictions?

How to really be happy?


How is the universe interconnected?

What’s the omega point?

Why the world is magic?

How can we sense nature is alive?

What can we learn from our ancestors?


What do hallucinations prove?

Are psychedelics a danger for the healthcare system?

Why psychedelics need intelligence?

Why you should try psychedelics before you die?

How to prevent anxiety during a psychedelic trip?

So, get started right now.

Decode Terence McKenna and level up!