
The Book of Joy - Summarized for Busy People


This book summary and

analysis was created for individuals who want to extract the essential contents

and are too busy to go through the full version. This book is not intended to

replace the original book. Instead, we highly encourage you to buy the full


Two great spiritual leaders

answer one timeless question about joy amidst adversity.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and

Archbishop Desmond Tutu have experienced more than fifty years of adversity but

despite their hardships, they are considered two of the most joyful people in

the world.

Dalai Lama’s birthday in April

2015 inspired Archbishop Tutu to visit him in Dharamsala to celebrate and talk

about something inherently important to them. The subject is joy. The two

spiritual masters look back on the lives and answer the enduring question about

finding joy amidst inevitable suffering in life.

The five-day visit provided an

in-depth conversation about the joy like a three-tiered cake with the obstacles

of joy from fear, stress, anger, sadness, loneliness, envy, suffering, to

death, the eight pillars of joy from perspective, humility, humor, acceptance,

forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, to generosity, and joy in practice.

They shared jokes, intimate

stories, and spiritual practices which had ended in laughter as the two reveal

the secret to living a joyful life despite the negativity and despair of our

time. The book opens up their week spent together from the first greeting in a

warm embrace to the final goodbye.

The two spiritual masters never

considered themselves as above anyone else and this wonderful collaboration

offers us a peek into the real lives finding peace, courage, and joy in the

midst of turmoil and adversity that we can embrace into our own lives.


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