In the soul-stirring sequel to The Birthright, Anne and Nicole find themselves facing different paths into the future. While Anne comfortably settles into British life, Nicole voyages into the midst of the American Revolutionary War to manage her uncle's landholdings. Soon an unimaginable betrayal will force Nicole to choose sides once and for all.
When Hope Springs New
Janette Oke
audiobookWhen Breaks the Dawn
Janette Oke
audiobookLove's Long Journey
Janette Oke
audiobookLove's Enduring Promise
Janette Oke
audiobookLove Comes Softly
Janette Oke
audiobookUnfailing Love
Janette Oke, Laurel Oke Logan
audiobookSustaining Faith
Janette Oke, Laurel Oke Logan
audiobookUnyielding Hope
Janette Oke, Laurel Oke Logan
audiobookTrofast kærlighed
Janette Oke
bookMarty & Clark
Janette Oke
Janette Oke
bookWhen Comes the Spring
Janette Oke