
The Flying Boys in the Sky


Learning to Fly

Bohunkus Johnson

The Aeroplane in a Race

Trying for Altitude

A Woodland Expert

Working for Dinner

The Dragon of the Skies

The Professor Talks on Aviation

The Professor Talks on Aviation (Continued)

The Flying Boys Continue Their Journey

Fired On

Peaceful Overtures Fail

Science Wins

Milo Morgan Saves the Day

Uncle Tommy

A Mysterious Communication

Called to the Rescue

Planning the Search

The Aeroplane Destroyed

A Puzzling Telegram

Beginning the Search

In Danger of Collision

The Cabin in the Woods

On the Trail of the Backhanders

A False Clue

The Search Renewed

Bohunkus at the Levers

Fired on by the Kidnappers


The Rescue

Lynch Law

Mysteries are Explained

Where is Bohunkus?