In "The Old Book Peddler and Other Tales for Bibliophiles," Stefan Zweig weaves a rich tapestry of stories that celebrate the intrinsic value of literature and the human spirit's enduring relationship with books. With his characteristic lyrical prose and acute psychological insight, Zweig expertly navigates the intersection of obsession, passion, and nostalgia within the world of bibliophiles. Each tale unfolds with a profound reverence for the printed word, as characters grapple with their desires and memories, showcasing Zweig's deep understanding of both literary form and the cultural context of early 20th century Europe, a period fraught with existential uncertainties. Stefan Zweig was a prominent Austrian writer and playwright, deeply influenced by the intellectual turbulence of his time. His works often reflect themes of personal crisis and existential reflection, mirroring the societal shifts of post-World War I Europe. Zweig's own love for literature and the arts inspired him to explore how books serve as both artifacts and vessels of human experience, ultimately leading to his creation of this collection. His profound empathy for the human condition permeates these stories, establishing a bridge between the reader and the intricacies of bibliophilic fervor. This collection is a must-read for lovers of literature, drawing them into Zweig's exquisite world where books transcend mere pages and ink, becoming conduits of emotion and wisdom. "The Old Book Peddler and Other Tales for Bibliophiles" invites readers to reflect on their own relationships with literature, making it an invaluable addition to any bibliophile's library.
The Old Book Peddler and other tales for bibliophiles
- 42 sider
- 226 bøger
Stefan Zweig
Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) var en østrigsk forfatter af jødisk herkomst. Han studerede filosofi ved universitetet i Wien og var en kosmopolitisk europæer, der boede og rejste i meget af verden. I 1901 debuterede han med digtsamlingen Silberne Saiten, men det var især prosaen – heriblandt en lang række noveller, essays og romanbiografier – der gjorde Zweig kendt og elsket i mellemkrigstidens Europa. I 1930'erne var Zweigs værker blandt de mest oversatte tysksprogede i verden, og samtidig arbejdede han selv flittigt som oversætter af bl.a. Charles Baudelaire og Émile Verhaeren. Zweig anså det som litteraturens væsentligste opgave at forsvare det fællesmenneskelige. Hans oplevelser under første verdenskrig havde gjort ham til overbevist pacifist, men da Hitler kom til magten, og Zweig som jøde måtte flygte til England, led hans humanistiske idealer et alvorligt knæk. Efter udbruddet af 2. Verdenskrig rejste han over New York til Brasilien, hvor han i 1942, sammen med sin hustru, begik selvmord i fortvivlelse over Hitlers succes og Europas fremtidsudsigter. Verden af i går er titlen på Stefan Zweigs erindringer, der udkom posthumt i 1942 og i dag står som det betydeligste og mest læste værk i forfatterskabet.
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