
The Secret Lives of the Nazis : The Hidden History of the Third Reich


While demanding that the German people made sacrifices for a war which few in Hitler's inner circle believed they could win, Nazi leaders were leading lives of incredible debauchery, privilege, and power:

• Nazi's official party line was that drug addiction was a Jewish sickness, while Goering was a morphine addict and Hitler's army was drug fused.

• Homosexuality was publicly condemned as 'deviant' behaviour, while one of Hitler's confidants' Ernst Röhm was gay and the close relationship between the two fuelled rumours.

• Heinrich Himmler used his influence as head of the SS and Gestapo to strip the assets of millions of victims.

• Hitler's cynical spin doctor, Joseph Goebbels, exploited his position as Propaganda Minister to bed a succession of movie starlets.

• Goering's orders, thousands of trains packed with looted treasure were transported back to Germany from France alone.

The Secret Lives of the Nazis reveals the terrible truth behind the pernicious propaganda peddled by the Nazis and the murderous private feuds that went on behind closed doors as members of the Nazi leadership schemed and plotted to eliminate their political rivals, while accumulating incredible personal wealth and priceless possessions.