In this tale, twelve princesses, each of astounding beauty, are locked in their shared bedroom by their father each night. Vexed to discover that their dancing shoes show signs of wear every morning, the king demands an explanation, which they refuse to give. The king offers his kingdom and marriage to any of his daughters as a reward to the man who solves the mystery. However, if the mystery remains unsolved after three nights, the erstwhile suitor will be put to death. After many entrants fail, a wise old soldier finally cracks the case.
The Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm
audiobookLittle Red-Cap (or, Little Red Riding Hood)
The Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm
audiobookGrimm's Fairy Tales
The Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm
audiobookThe Twelve Dancing Princesses
The Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm
audiobookThe Goose-Girl
The Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm
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The Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm
audiobookThe Seven Ravens
The Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm
audiobookThe Juniper-Tree
The Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm
audiobookThe Valiant Little Tailor
The Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm
audiobookSnow-White and Rose-Red
The Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm
audiobookBriar Rose (or, Sleeping Beauty)
The Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm
audiobookThe Golden Bird
The Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm
The Frog King, or Iron Henry
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bookCat and Mouse in Partnership
Brothers Grimm
audiobookbookOur Lady's Child
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bookThe Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was
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bookThe Wolf and the Seven Young Kids
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bookFaithful John
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bookThe Good Bargain
Brothers Grimm
bookThe Strange Musician
Brothers Grimm
bookThe Twelve Brothers
Brothers Grimm
bookThe Pack of Ragamuffins
Brothers Grimm
bookLittle Brother and Little Sister
Brothers Grimm
bookThe Three Little Men in the Forest
Brothers Grimm