For almost a century, music on the radio has been an important part of Danish music culture. "Tunes for All? Music on Danish Radio" presents the many ways music and radio have co-existed and interacted from the 1920s until today. Music radio is a complex network of sounds, technologies and people, and the book spans programmes and channels, presenters and listeners, music genres and programme genres, stakeholders and different interests primarily in relation to the all-dominant national broadcasting institution, Danmarks Radio. In 10 chapters, the authors address this network with an interest in programme content and production from various media and music perspectives in order to contribute to analytical and theoretical knowledge about music on the radio. The many cases cover chart shows, morning radio, live ensembles, automatic music programming and sports radio.
Litteratur : Introduktion til teori og analyse
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bookBygning og bolig, gård og toft : Middelalderens rurale Danmark 1
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bookGerontopsykologi : Det aldrende menneskes psykologi
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bookMobilitet og tilknytning : Migrantliv i et globaliseret Danmark
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bookOndskab : - et politisk begreb
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bookTværfaglighed og fagligt samspil
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bookMenneske, kultur, evolution : Et biokulturelt perspektiv
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bookThe Hammerum Burial Site : Customs and Clothing in the Roman Iron Age
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bookMetodefetichisme : Kvalitativ metode på afveje?
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bookAt tænke eksistensen : Studier i eksistenstænkningens historie og betydning
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bookVerden ifølge humaniora : 40 banebrydende begreber der former vores virkelighed
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bookSprogforum 61: Læringsmål
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