
Weight Loss Books : The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight While Eating


Are you a serial dieter who has tried all the fad diets going? Is your love of food the main thing that holds you back from losing weight? Would you like to learn the facts about losing weight and still eat well?

Food, or rather eating the wrong kinds of it, is the main reason most people fail to lose weight. A diet will usually be started with the best of intentions, but slowly, the boredom creeps in, and it starts to slide, resulting in another failed attempt. In this new audiobook, Weight Loss Books: The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight While Eating, you will discover the real reason we don’t lose weight when we diet and how to overcome it, with chapters that examine:

Facts about diet and weight loss

How they work

Rule of thumb


Eating habits

Foods to avoid

Food diary

With this audiobook to guide you, it will be much easier to pick a diet, start, and keep yourself going. All it takes is the proper knowledge, some willpower, and some solid advice about the things to do and the things to avoid.

Get a copy now. It could be the best guide you’ve ever bought!