Dream Keeper

80s Romance Reboot Parris Afton Bonds is the New York Times Bestselling Author of more than 50 novels - most of them are historical fiction and historical romance. Join Parris as she reboots her classic romance novels as audiobooks. Many of these spicy romances were originally published in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. The days of heaving bosoms, throbbing loins, and ripped bodices. He wanted to take her, and she wanted to be taken; but she wasn't going to tell him that! Travel back in time to the days of big hair, big shoulders, and big libidos. Annie Tremayne rises to the top of her family’s shipping empire in 1870’s Sydney ~ while holding at bay her grandmother’s stronghold manipulations. But can she hold at bay her heart's yearnings, when besieged by newspaper owner Ryan Sheridan’s powerful magnetism, and cattleman Reggie Lewis’s sensuous lovemaking? Like each of us, Annie must learn to follow her own heart and find enduring love. Only the strongest keep their dream. Dream Time and Dream Keeper are Australian history on a grand scale ~ from the mind-boggling Outback to the heart-ravaging passions of Amber, Amaris, and Annie ~ and Miles, Sin, and Ryan.