This completely revised and updated edition of the bestselling book Guided Bone Regeneration in Implant Dentistry brings the reader up-to-date on the developments in GBR over the past 20 years. The first four chapters focus on the basic science of GBR in implant dentistry. These chapters help the reader to understand the biologic and biomaterial background of this well-documented and well-established surgical technique in implant dentistry—essential knowledge for the use of barrier membranes in patients. The second half of the book focuses on the clinical applications of GBR. Each chapter presents specific indications and describes the criteria for patient selection, the step-by-step surgical procedure, and aspects of postoperative treatment. These five clinical chapters reflect the immense progress of GBR in the past 10 to 15 years and the current clinical status of GBR in implant dentistry. Like its predecessor, this book is a must-have resource for all clinicians with interest and experience in implant dentistry.
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