Galsworthy's sequel to The Forsyte Saga came in A Modern Comedy, written in the years 1924 to 1928. This comprises a novel, The White Monkey, an interlude, A Silent Wooing, a second novel, The Silver Spoon, a second interlude, Passers By, and a third novel, Swan Song.
The Forsyte Saga
John Galsworthy
bookThe White Monkey
John Galsworthy
bookVilla Rubein
John Galsworthy
bookFlowering Wilderness
John Galsworthy
bookFariseiska öbor
John Galsworthy
bookThe Forsyte Saga
John Galsworthy
bookAnother Sheaf
John Galsworthy
bookThe Little Man: A Farcical Morality in Three Scenes
John Galsworthy
bookA Silent Wooing
John Galsworthy
bookSwan Song
John Galsworthy
John Galsworthy
bookForsytesagaen 2: Under åget
John Galsworthy