A highly respected associate justice of the United States Supreme Court since 1994, Stephen Breyer delivers a lucid and persuasive declaration that "active liberty"-the participation of American citizens in the process of government-should be a guiding principle of our nation. In this exceedingly polarized time, with the high court facing some of its most controversial issues, Active Liberty is a refreshing reminder of the purpose of government and role of the American citizenry.
La sombra voluntaria : Normas sociales y participación laboral de las mujeres en la maquila
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Ianina Tuñón, Marcela F. González
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bookPrincipios elementales y fundamentales de filosofía
Georges Politzer
bookInvestigación cualitativa y cuantitativa en educación y cultura digital : Métodos y perspectivas
Gladys Ortiz Henderson, Gustavo Sergio Lins Ribeiro, Santiago Alonso Palmas Pérez, Juan Carlos López García, Tania Villanueva Martínez, Ozziel Najera Espinosa, Daniela Aguirre Guerrero, Mitzi Danae Morales Montes, Ana Elizabeth Razo Pérez, Óscar Enrique Hernández Razo, Arely Socorro Millán Orozco, María Guadalupe López Sandoval, María Consuelo Lemus Pool, Daniel Hernández Gutiérrez
bookCosmovisiones populares indoamericanas
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