
Becoming Resilient – The Definitive Guide to ISO 22301 Implementation


Author and experienced business continuity consultant Dejan Kosutic has written Becoming Resilient with one goal in mind: to give you the knowledge and practical step-by-step processes you need to successfully implement ISO 22301—without any stress, hassle or headaches.

This book is written for beginners in the field and is structured in such a way that someone with no prior experience or knowledge about business continuity. It will help you fully understand the subject and implement an entire business continuity project.

If you are an IT administrator, information security professional, quality manager, or a project manager with a task to implement ISO 22301 in your company, this book is perfect for you. However, this book will be also useful for consultants and experienced business continuity practitioners. It can be used as a checklist for getting a comprehensive and structured view of how business continuity should be implemented.

Becoming Resilient is a step-by-step guide that takes you from an introduction of ISO 22301 to the implementation of the business continuity standard. During the process, Dejan uses plain English to explain:

Common misunderstandings of the standard: “Business continuity is a job for IT guys;” “Business continuity equals business continuity plans;” “Business continuity is a one-time job;” and others.

How to present the benefits to your top management: “Reason number one for business continuity project failures? The number one problem most business continuity practitioners are emphasizing? The answer is the same – lack of management understanding and commitment.”

How to develop a Business Impact Analysis Methodology, an Incident Response Plan, a Business Recovery plan and other crucial actions to implement and maintain the ISO 22301 standard.

Leaving the technical jargon to the geeks, Becoming Resilient is written for everyone, using plain, simple language. Whether you’re a business continuity practitioner or new to the field, it’s the only book you’ll ever need on the subject of ISO 22301 implementation.

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