Elissa Schappell's book delves into the lives of an eclectic cast of archetypal female characters including the high school slut, the party girl, the reluctant mother, and the anorexic daughter, twisting our pre-conceived notions of who these women are, offering surprising revelations into the nature of female identity, and how it evolves. How the adolescent girl labeled the school slut in 'Monsters of the Deep' will twenty years later become a mother in 'I'm Only Going to Tell You This Once' and, faced with daunting reality of raising a teenage son, be forced to revisit her past. Whether connected by blood, friendship, or necessity, whether living in the same city or in the imagination of others, these women will create a deep and lasting impression.
Blueprints for Building Better Girls
- 1 book
Elissa Schappell
Elissa Schappell is the author of Blueprints for Building Better Girls and Use Me. She is a contributing editor and the Hot Type book columnist at Vanity Fair, a former senior editor of The Paris Review, and cofounder and now editor-at-large of Tin House magazine. She lives in Brooklyn with her family.
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