Any analysis aimed at coming up with strategies to positively transform a confl ict has fi rst to identify all the actors involved and interests pursued, either individually or collectively. This rule applies best to protracted confl icts like the one under scrutiny. In this research study, Ladislas Bizimana tries to answer the most fundamental question: Who has been doing what, why, how in the bloody confl ict that continues to plunge the peoples of the African Great Lakes region into mourning? In doing so, Ladislas draws upon both his personal experience and professional background. As a Rwandan who lived through and survived the 1994 Rwandan horror, Ladislas speaks from within. This matchless, insightful and compelling testimony is enriched by his being a former TV and Radio reporter working for humanitarian agencies in the African Great Lakes region (1994-1995).
El derecho al desarrollo como derecho humano en el ámbito jurídico internacional
Felipe Gómez Isa
bookLos inmigrantes irregulares en España
José Ignacio Ruiz Olabuénaga, Eduardo Javier Ruiz Vieytez, Trinidad L. Vicente Torrado
bookTextos básicos de Derecho Internacional Público
Felipe Gómez Isa, Jaime Oraá
bookDerechos humanos en África : Teorías y prácticas
Mbuyi Kabunda Badi
bookTextos básicos de derechos humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario
Felipe Gómez Isa, Jaime Oraá
bookLa declaración universal de Derechos Humanos
Jaime Oraá, Felipe Gómez Isa
bookEl caso Awas Tingni contra Nicaragua
Felipe Gómez Isa
bookLa economía solidaria y su inserción en la formación universitaria
bookLa plasmación política de la diversidad : Autonomía y participación política indígena en América Latina
bookLa lucha por la Justicia : Selección de textos de Ignacio Ellacuría (1969-1989)
bookEl caso Awas Tingni : Derechos Humanos entre lo local y lo global