This book presents case studies and empirical data of a phenomenon which increasingly gains popularity in Western societies: deconversion. There is, the authors argue, no better word than deconversion to describe processes of disengagement from religious orientations because these have much in common with conversion. Termination of membership may eventually be the final step of deconversion, but it involves biographical and psychological dynamics which can and need to be reconstructed by qualitative approaches and analyzed by quantitative instruments.In the Bielefeld-based Cross-Cultural Study on Deconversion disengagement processes from a variety of religious backgrounds in the USA and in Germany were examined, ranging from well-established religious organizations to new religious and fundamentalist groups. Nearly 1,200 persons participated in thestudy and were interviewed from 2002 to 2005. In the focus of the study are 100 deconverts from the USA and from Germany who were examined with narrative interviews, faith development interviews and an extensive questionnaire. For case study elaboration, the study followed a research design with an innovative triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data. Four chapters, corresponding to four types of deconversion, present 21 case studies. The highlights of the research project are new data on spirituality – the deconverts in particular appear to prefer a »more spiritual than religious« self-identification – and in-depth analyses of a variety of deconversion narratives with special focus on personality factors, motivation, attitudes, religious development, psychological well-being and growth, religious fundamentalism and right-wing authoritarianism. The results of this project which was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft are of special relevance for counselling and pastoral care, for religious education and for people concerned with administration and management of religious groups and churches, but also for a wider audience interested in contemporary changes in the religious fields in the USA and Germany.
Approaches to the Visual in Religion
bookSecular and Sacred? : The Scandinavian Case of Religion in Human Rights, Law and Public Space
bookMore than a Provocation : Sexuality, Media and Theology
Stefanie Knauss
bookMeaning and Melancholy in the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas
Stine Holte
bookDance To My Ministry : Exploring Hip-Hop Spirituality
Carl Petter Opsahl
bookThe Spaces of Others – Heterotopic Spaces : Practicing and Theorizing Hospitality and Counter-Conduct beyond the Religion/Secular Border
book"Born Again": A Portrait and Analysis of the Doctrine of Regeneration within Evangelical Protestantism
Stephen J. Hamilton
bookIntercultural Theology : Exploring World Christianity after the Cultural Turn
Judith Gruber
bookReligion and Difference : Contested Contemporary Issues
Trygve Wyller, Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati, Stefanie Knauss, Hans-Günter Heimbrock, Hans-Joachim Sander, Carla Danani
bookDance as Third Space : Interreligious, Intercultural, and Interdisciplinary Debates on Dance and Religion(s)
bookProtestantism and Protestantization
bookRobinson Crusoe tries again : Missiology and European Constructions of "Self" and "Other" in a Global World 1789–2010
Werner Ustorf