This collection of essays brings together an international group of scholars who discuss various facets of the American South in popular culture, literature, the arts, and throughout history. It includes reflections on place, on the importance of memory in shaping individual identity, and on race, class and gender. All the contributions confirm Howard's Zinn's idea that the South "is not damnable, but marvelously useful, as a mirror in which the nation can see its blemishes magnified, so that it will hurry to correct them." This volume sheds light on the "marvelous" sides of the South though it does not overlook its darker ones, thus making it possible to better understand this peculiar region.
Karl Popper : Herencia y actualidad
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bookGestión de Grandes Proyectos Urbanos en espacios metropolizados : Los sistemas integrados de transporte masivo en Colombia
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bookLa guerra secreta de Carlos V contra el Papa : La cuestión de Parma y Piacenza en la correspondencia del cardenal Granvela
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bookNarrar la herida : Deudas con la memoria en la narrativa contemporánea de mujeres
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bookEl franquismo en Valencia : Formas de vida y actitudes sociales en la posguerra
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bookLes altres Generalitats : Organismes similars a la Corona d'Aragó i Europa
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bookPensar l'assaig en el segle XXI
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bookEstéticas perdidas: Un encuentro con las sensibilidades olvidadas
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