
Future Predictions by an Engineer and Seer


This book is about predictions of the Future from both projections of existing trends and possible major paradigm changes.

On Making Predictions of the Future:

It is possible to make pretty good future predictions by taking into account three things--

1) Technological and Sociological Trends

2) Potential Paradigm changes

3) Intuition

In this book you will see many technological trends analyzed by an Engineer and using Intuition to help pick the most likely trends in our future.

What are possible major paradigm changes which will also affect our future? Projections of the year 2100 as well as up to 1,000 years ahead.

My goal in this book is to make the most accurate predictions of how our future will be over the next centuries that has ever been tried.

What does the Future Hold?

What will the world look like in the future?

How will we live our daily lives?

Narrator: Martin K. Ettington
